Paul's Most Favorite Musicians, Bands, and Songs of All Time

I want to thank God for gifting some of my fellow human beings with special and unique musical talents and aspirations. Without amazing musicians inspired to write, create, share, and perform beautiful, truth-revealing songs and albums that resonate with others, there would be no music for each of us to listen to, and no need for this website.

This favorite music page is as much, if not more so, for me as it is to share my taste in music with you. I don’t spend time on social media other than YouTube, so it can be difficult to keep up with the latest information and music releases from my favorite musicians and bands. My three favorite music sources are YouTube, Pandora, and compact discs. I absolutely loathe the genres of jazz, new age, opera, pop, and most rap music. Eighteen of the bands listed and/or linked to below I have had the pleasure and privilege of seeing perform live in concert at least once, eleven of them together with my wife Fran.

Fran's Most Favorite Musicians, Bands, and Songs of All Time

My wife of twenty-three years Fran was a percussionist before we met, but gave up playing the drums during her pregnancy with our first son. Below is her list of favorite musicians and bands. Ten of them she has seen live in concert, nine together with me.

JOB 35:10-11 KJV “But none saith, Where is God my maker, who giveth songs in the night; Who teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven?”